Reference Guide

Border Gateway Protocol | 351
Figure 8-22. Command Example: show ip bgp paths (Partial)
show ip bgp paths as-path
c e s z
View all unique AS-PATHs in the BGP database
show ip bgp paths as-path
Command Modes
EXEC Privilege
Table 8-11. Command Example fields: show ip bgp paths
Field Description
Total Displays the total number of BGP path attributes.
Address Displays the internal address where the path attribute is stored.
Hash Displays the hash bucket where the path attribute is stored.
Refcount Displays the number of BGP routes using this path attribute.
Metric Displays the MED attribute for this path attribute.
Path Displays the AS path for the route, with the origin code for the route
listed last.
Numbers listed between braces {} are AS_SET information.
FTOS#show ip bgp path
Total 16 Paths
Address Hash Refcount Metric Path
0x1efe7e5c 15 10000 32 ?
0x1efe7e1c 71 10000 23 ?
0x1efe7ddc 127 10000 22 ?
0x1efe7d9c 183 10000 43 ?
0x1efe7d5c 239 10000 42 ?
0x1efe7c9c 283 6 {102 103} ?
0x1efe7b1c 287 336 20000 ?
0x1efe7d1c 295 10000 13 ?
0x1efe7c5c 339 6 {92 93} ?
0x1efe7cdc 351 10000 12 ?
0x1efe7c1c 395 6 {82 83} ?
0x1efe7bdc 451 6 {72 73} ?
0x1efe7b5c 491 78 0 ?
0x1efe7adc 883 2 120 i
0x1efe7e9c 983 10000 33 ?
0x1efe7b9c 1003 6 0 i
Version Introduced on the Z9000.
Version Introduced support on S-Series
Version Introduced support on C-Series