Reference Guide

Table 37. Default Bandwidth Weights
Queue Default Weight Equivalent Percentage
0 1 6.67%
1 2 13.33%
2 4 26.67%
3 8 53.33%
A key similarity between allocating bandwidth by percentage and allocating by weight is that assigning a weight or
percentage to one queue affects the amount of bandwidth that is allocated to other queues. Therefore, whenever you
are allocating bandwidth to one queue, Dell Networking recommends evaluating your bandwidth requirements for all
other queues as well.
The following table lists an example of choosing bandwidth weights for all four queues to achieve a target bandwidth
Table 38. Assigning Bandwidth Weights
Queue Weight Equivalent Percentage Target Allocation
0 1 0.44% 1%
1 64 28.44% 25%
2 128 56.89% 60%
3 32 14.22% 14%
Allocate bandwidth to queues.
Assign each queue a weight ranging from 1 to 1024, in increments of 2.
Specifying WRED Drop Precedence
Specifying WRED drop precedence is supported on the Z9000 platform.
Specify a WRED profile to yellow and/or green traffic.
For more information, refer to Applying a WRED Profile to Traffic.
Create Policy Maps
There are two types of policy maps: input and output.
Creating Input Policy Maps
There are two types of input policy-maps: Layer 3 and Layer 2.
1. Create a Layer 3 input policy map.
Create a Layer 2 input policy map by specifying the keyword layer2 with the policy-map-input command.
2. After you create an input policy map, do one or more of the following: