Reference Guide

Border Gateway Protocol | 199
As seen in Figure 8-27, the expressions are displayed when using the show commands. Use the show
command in the CONFIGURATION AS-PATH ACL mode and the show ip as-path-access-list
command in EXEC Privilege mode to view the AS-PATH ACL configuration.
For more information on this command and route filtering, refer to Filter BGP routes.
Redistribute routes
In addition to filtering routes, you can add routes from other routing instances or protocols to the BGP
process. With the
redistribute command syntax, you can include ISIS, OSPF, static, or directly connected
routes in the BGP process.
Use any of the following commands in ROUTER BGP mode to add routes from other routing instances or
+ (plus) Matches 1 or more sequences of the immediately previous character or pattern.
? (question) Matches 0 or 1 sequence of the immediately previous character or pattern.
( ) (parenthesis) Specifies patterns for multiple use when followed by one of the multiplier metacharacters:
asterisk *, plus sign +, or question mark ?
[ ] (brackets) Matches any enclosed character; specifies a range of single characters
- (hyphen) Used within brackets to specify a range of AS or community numbers.
_ (underscore) Matches a ^, a $, a comma, a space, a {, or a }. Placed on either side of a string to specify a
literal and disallow substring matching. Numerals enclosed by underscores can be preceded or
followed by any of the characters listed above.
| (pipe) Matches characters on either side of the metacharacter; logical OR.
Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
redistribute {connected | static}
[route-map map-name]
Include, directly connected or user-configured
(static) routes in BGP. Configure the following
map-name: name of a configured route map.
redistribute isis [level-1 |
level-1-2 | level-2] [metric value]
[route-map map-name]
Include specific ISIS routes in BGP. Configure
the following parameters:
level-1, level-1-2, or level-2: Assign all
redistributed routes to a level. Default is
metric range: 0 to 16777215. Default is 0.
map-name: name of a configured route map.
Table 8-4. Regular Expressions
Expression Definition