Reference Guide

Bare Metal Provisioning 3.0 (BMP 3.0) | 243
Configuration Tasks
When the system boots up in BMP mode all ports, including management ports, are placed in L3 mode in
no shut state. The system acts as a DHCP client on these ports for a period of time (dhcp-timeout). This
allows the system time to send out a DHCP DISCOVER on all the
interface up ports to the DHCP Server
in order to obtain its IP address, boot image filename and configuration file from the DHCP server.
Set up a DHCP server. Refer to the FTOS Configuration Guide: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
chapter for detailed information. You must configure the DHCP server to assign an IP address to each
system along with the following DHCP server parameters:
IP address pool: IP address for the system.
Image name: FTOS image used to boot up the system.
configuration filet: Startup configuration parameters to be applied to the system.
IP address of TFTP file server: File server from which the image and startup configuration file are
Domain Name server: DNS server to be contacted to resolve the host name.
Use the following DHCP option codes in the dhcpd.conf file:
6 IP address of Domain Name Server, if a DNS server is needed to resolve the IP address of
a file server hostname.
150 IP address of a TFTP server.
209 configuration file.
For example, a sample dhcpd.conf file on a DHCP3 server is as follows:
lease-file-name "/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases";
option configfile code 209 = text;
option tftp-server-address code 150 = ip-address;
subnet netmask {
filename "FTOS-SC-1-2-0-363.bin";
option configfile "customer.conf";
option tftp-server-address;
option domain-name-servers;
Set up a TFTP server and ensure connectivity.
Configure a TFTP file server as the network source from which the switch downloads the image file
and the configuration file to be applied to the system. On a TFTP server, the required files are com-
monly stored in the /tftpboot directory.
When loading the FTOS image, if the FTOS image on the file server is different from the image stored
in the local Flash memory, the system downloads the image on the file server into the local Flash mem-
ory and reboots using that image. If the image is the same, the system reloads the image from the local
Flash memory.
Set up a DNS server. Refer to the FTOS Configuration Guide: IPv4 Addressing chapter: Resolution of
Host Names section for information.
Configure the DNS server to determine a system’s host name and the correct configuration file to be
downloaded on the system if the DHCP server response does not specify a configuration file and the
host name is not resolved using the network-config file.