Reference Guide

Z-Series Debugging and Diagnostics | 303
Figure 12-16. Displaying Dataplane Statistics
FTOS#show hardware stack-unit 0 cpu data-plane statistics
bc pci driver statistics for device:
rxHandle :0
noMhdr :0
noMbuf :0
noClus :0
recvd :0
dropped :0
recvToNet :0
rxError :0
rxDatapathErr :0
rxPkt(COS0) :0
rxPkt(COS1) :0
rxPkt(COS2) :0
rxPkt(COS3) :0
rxPkt(COS4) :0
rxPkt(COS5) :0
rxPkt(UNIT0) :0
rxPkt(UNIT1) :0
rxPkt(UNIT2) :0
rxPkt(UNIT3) :0
transmitted :0
txRequested :0
noTxDesc :0
txError :0
txReqTooLarge :0
txInternalError :0
txDatapathErr :0
txPkt(COS0) :0
txPkt(COS1) :0
txPkt(COS2) :0
txPkt(COS3) :0
txPkt(COS4) :0
txPkt(COS5) :0
txPkt(UNIT0) :0
txPkt(UNIT1) :0
txPkt(UNIT2) :0
txPkt(UNIT3) :0
The show hardware stack-unit cpu party-bus statistics command displays input and output statistics on
the party bus, which carries inter-process communication traffic between CPUs, as shown in the following