Reference Guide

Equal Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) | 331
In the illustration below, Core Router 1 is an E-Series TeraScale and Core Router 2 is an E-Series
ExaScale. They have similar configurations and have routes for prefix P with two possible next-hops.
When Deterministic ECMP is enabled and the hash algorithm and seed are configured the same, each flow
is consistently sent to the same next hop even though they are routed through two different chassis.
Link Bundle Monitoring
Link Bundle Monitoring is supported only on platform
Monitoring linked ECMP bundles allows traffic distribution amounts in a link to be monitored for unfair
distribution at any given time. A default threshold of 60% is defined as an acceptable amount of traffic on
a member link. Links are monitored in 15-second intervals for three consecutive instances. Any deviation
within that time causes a syslog to be sent and an alarm event to be generated. When the deviation clears,
another syslog is sent and a clear alarm event is generated.
The link bundle utilization is calculated as the total bandwidth of all links divided by the total
bytes-per-second of all links. Within each ECMP group, interfaces can be specified. If monitoring is
enabled for the ECMP group, the utilization calculation is performed when the utilization of the
link-bundle (not a link within a bundle) exceeds 60%.
Message 1 Link bundle monitoring percent threshold
%STKUNIT0-M:CP %IFMGR-5-BUNDLE_UNEVEN_DISTRIBUTION: Found uneven distribution in LAG bundle 11.
Backbone router
Prefix: P
Next-hop 1Next-hop 1 Next-hop 2
Core Router 1
Core Router 2
ow A