Reference Guide

Management | 59
Enable FTP server
To enable the system as an FTP server, use the following command in the CONFIGURATION mode:
To view FTP configuration, use the show running-config ftp Command Output in the EXEC privilege
show running-config ftp Command Output
FTOS#show running ftp
ftp-server enable
ftp-server username nairobi password 0 zanzibar
Configure FTP server parameters
After the FTP server is enabled on the system, you can configure different parameters.
To configure FTP server parameters, use any or all of the following commands in the CONFIGURATION
To view the FTP configuration, use the
show running-config ftp command in EXEC privilege mode.
Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
ftp-server enable
CONFIGURATION Enable FTP on the system.
Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
ftp-server topdir dir CONFIGURATION Specify the directory for users using FTP to reach the
The default is the internal flash directory.
ftp-server username username
password [encryption-type]
CONFIGURATION Specify a user name for all FTP users and configure either
a plain text or encrypted password. Configure the
following optional and required parameters:
username: Enter a text string
encryption-type: Enter 0 for plain text or 7 for
encrypted text.
password: Enter a text string.
Note: You cannot use the change directory (cd) command until ftp-server topdir has been