Reference Guide

700 | Private VLANs |
Creating a Community VLAN
A community VLAN is a secondary VLAN of the primary VLAN in a private VLAN. The ports in a
community VLAN can talk to each other and with the promiscuous ports in the primary VLAN.
Creating an Isolated VLAN
An isolated VLAN is a secondary VLAN of a primary VLAN. Its ports can only talk with the promiscuous
ports in that primary VLAN.
Figure 33-2 shows the use of the PVLAN commands that are used in VLAN INTERFACE mode to
configure the PVLAN member VLANs (primary, community, and isolated VLANs):
Step Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
1 interface vlan vlan-id CONFIGURATION Access the INTERFACE VLAN mode for the VLAN that
you want to make a community VLAN.
2 no shutdown INTERFACE VLAN Enable the VLAN.
3 private-vlan mode
INTERFACE VLAN Set the PVLAN mode of the selected VLAN to community.
4 tagged interface
untagged interface
INTERFACE VLAN Add one or more host ports to the VLAN. The interfaces
can be entered singly or in range format, either
comma-delimited (slot/port,port,port) or hyphenated (slot/
Only host (isolated) ports can be added to the VLAN.
Step Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
1 interface vlan vlan-id CONFIGURATION Access the INTERFACE VLAN mode for the VLAN that
you want to make an isolated VLAN.
2 no shutdown INTERFACE VLAN Enable the VLAN.
3 private-vlan mode
INTERFACE VLAN Set the PVLAN mode of the selected VLAN to isolated.
4 tagged interface
untagged interface
INTERFACE VLAN Add one or more host ports to the VLAN. The interfaces
can be entered singly or in range format, either
comma-delimited (slot/port,port,port) or hyphenated (slot/
Only ports defined as host can be added to the VLAN.