Reference Guide

68 | Management |
Recovering from a Failed Start on the S4810 and Z9000
A system that does not start correctly might be attempting to boot from a corrupted FTOS image or from a
mis-specified location. In that case, you can restart the system and interrupt the boot process to point the
system to another boot location. Use the
setenv command, as described below. For details on the setenv
command, its supporting commands, and other commands that can help recover from a failed start, see the
uBoot chapter in the FTOS Command Line Reference Guide
5 Set the system parameters to ignore
the enable password when the system
reloads and save the environment.
grub>setenv enablepwdignore=true
grub>save_env enablepwdignore
6 Reload the system. reset uBoot
7 Configure a new enable password. enable {secret | password} CONFIGURATION
8 Save the running-config to the
copy running-config startup-config EXEC Privilege
Step Task Command Syntax Command Mode
1 Power-cycle the chassis (pull the power cord and reinsert it).
2 Press any key to abort the boot process.
You enter uBoot immediately, as
indicated by the => prompt.
Press any key. (during bootup)
3 Assign the new location to the FTOS
image to be used when the system
setenv [primary_image f10boot location |
secondary_image f10boot location |
default_image f10boot location]
4 Assign an IP address to the
Management Ethernet interface.
setenv ipaddre address uBoot
5 Assign an IP address as the default
gateway for the system.
setenv gatewayip address uBoot
6 Reload the system. reset uBoot
Step Task Command Syntax Command Mode