
string] || [queue3 number/string] || [queue4 number/string] ||
[queue5 number/string] || [queue6 number/string] || [queue7
service-class Define the mapping between the service class and policy-
based QoS or routing
wred Specify WRED curve parameters for a queue
green Specify green (low) drop precedence to a queue
weight Specify a weight factor to a queue
yellow Specify yellow (medium) drop precedence to a queue
queue 0 to
queue 7
Specify the queue number to which the WRED parameters
number Enter a weight for the queue as a number in the range of 1 to
15. This parameter applies only if you specify the green or
yellow drop precedence.
string Enter the WRED profile name. It is a string of up to 32
characters. Or use one of the five pre-defined WRED profile
names. Pre-defined Profiles: wred_drop, wred-ge_y,
wred_ge_g, wred_teng_y, wred_teng_. This parameter
applies only if you specify a weight factor.
backplane Specify that the WRED weight and profile configured for
each queue apply to backplane ports
Default All queues on backplane ports operate in tail-drop (best-effort traffic) mode by
default. There is no default WRED green or yellow profile. The default weight is 0.
Version Introduced on the Z9000 platform
You can configure all the data queues. For Z9000, you can configure queues 0-3.
WRED profile contains a set of characteristics, such as the minimum and maximum
WRED thresholds and the maximum drop rate. You can add and remove WRED
parameters for one or more queues by using the command in a single line. All of
the configured attributes apply to all the backplane ports and are for each queue.
To assign drop precedence to green or yellow traffic, use this command. If there is
no honoring enabled on the input, all the traffic defaults to green drop precedence.
Dell(conf-wred) #wred thresh-1
Dell(conf-wred) #threshold min 100 max 200 max-drop-rate 40
Dell(conf-wred) #wred thresh-2
Dell(conf-wred) #threshold min 300 max 400 max-drop-rate 80
Dell(conf) #service-class wred green queue5 thresh-1 queue7
thresh-2 backplane
Dell(conf) #service-class wred yellow queue1 thresh-2 queue3
thresh-1 backplane
Quality of Service (QoS)