Command Line Reference Guide

egress interfaces are examined and, appropriate ACLs can be applied in both the
ingress and egress direction. Flow-based monitoring conserves bandwidth by
monitoring only specified traffic instead all traffic on the interface. This feature is
particularly useful when looking for malicious traffic. It is available for Layer 2 and
Layer 3 ingress and egress traffic. You may specify traffic using standard or
extended access-lists. This mechanism copies all incoming or outgoing packets on
one port and forwards (mirrors) them to another port. The source port is the
monitored port (MD) and the destination port is the monitoring port (MG).
seq ether-type (for Extended MAC ACLs)
Configure an egress filter with a specific sequence number that filters traffic with specified types of
Ethernet packets. This command is supported only on 12-port GE line cards with SFP optics. For
specifications, refer to your line card documentation.
NOTE: Only the options that have been newly introduced in Release 9.3(0.0) and Release 9.4(0.0)
are described here. For a complete description on all of the keywords and variables that are
available with this command, refer the topic of this command discussed earlier in this guide.
seq sequence-number {deny | permit} ether-type protocol-type-
number {destination-mac-address mac-address-mask | any} vlan
vlan-id {source-mac-address mac-address-mask | any} [count
[byte]] [order] [log [interval minutes] [threshold-in-msgs
[count]] [monitor]
To remove this filter, use the no seq sequence-number command.
log (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword log to enable the triggering
of ACL log messages.
msgs count
(OPTIONAL) Enter the threshold-in-msgs keyword
followed by a value to indicate the maximum number of ACL
logs that can be generated, exceeding which the generation
of ACL logs is terminated. with the seq, permit, or deny
commands. You can enter a threshold in the range of 1-100.
(OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword interval followed by the
time period in minutes at which ACL logs must be generated.
You can enter an interval in the range of 1-10 minutes.
monitor (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword monitor when the rule is
describing the traffic that you want to monitor and the ACL
in which you are creating the rule is applied to the monitored
Defaults By default, 10 ACL logs are generated if you do not specify the threshold explicitly.
The default frequency at which ACL logs are generated is 5 minutes. By default,
flow-based monitoring is not enabled.
Access Control Lists (ACL)