Command Line Reference Guide

month Enter the name of one of the 12 months, in English. You can
enter the number of a day and change the order of the
display to time day month year.
day Enter the number of the day. The range is from 1 to 31. You
can enter the name of a month to change the order of the
display to time month day year.
year Enter a four-digit number as the year. The range is from 1993
to 2035.
Defaults Not configured.
EXEC Privilege
Version Introduced on the MXL 10/40GbE Switch IO Module.
You can change the order of the month and day parameters to enter the time and
date as time day month year. You cannot delete the software clock.
The software clock runs only when the software is up. The clock restarts, based on
the hardware clock, when the switch reboots.
Dell Networking OS recommends using an outside time source, such as NTP, to
ensure accurate time on the switch.
Dell#clock set 12:11:00 21 may 2012
ntp update-calendar — sets the switch using the NTP settings.
clock summer-time date
Set a date (and time zone) on which to convert the switch to daylight saving time on a one-time basis.
clock summer-time time-zone date start-month start-day start-
year start-time end-month end-day end-year end-time [offset]
To delete a daylight saving time zone configuration, use the no clock summer-
time command.
time-zone Enter the three-letter name for the time zone. This name is
displayed in the show clock output.
start-month Enter the name of one of the 12 months in English. You can
enter the name of a day to change the order of the display to
time day month year.
System Time and Date