Configuration manual

Example of Configuring QoS Priority-Queue Assignment to Honor Dot1p Priorities
Example of Configuring a DCB Input Policy to Apply PFC to Lossless SAN Priority Traffic
Example of Configuring an ETS Priority Group
Example of Configuring an ETS Output Policy for Egress Traffic
Example of Configuring a DCB Output Policy to Apply ETS (Bandwidth Allocation and Scheduling) to
IPC, SAN, and LAN Priority Traffic
Example of Applying DCB Input and Output Policies to an Interface
Example of Configuring a QoS Output Policy to Specify Bandwidth Allocation to Different Traffic Types
if DCBx Version is CIN
Example of Creating a QoS Policy Map for DCBx CIN Bandwidth Allocation
Example of Applying the QoS Policy Map for DCBx CIN Bandwidth Allocation to an Interface
Dell(conf)# service-class dynamic dot1p
Dell(conf)# interface tengigabitethernet 0/1
Dell(conf-if-te-0/1)# service-class dynamic dot1p
Dell(conf)# dcb-input ipc_san_lan
Dell(conf-qos-policy-in)# pfc mode on
Dell(conf-qos-policy-in)# pfc priority 3
Dell(conf)# priority-group san
Dell(conf-pg)# priority-list 3
Dell(conf-pg)# set-pgid 1
Dell(conf-pg)# exit
Dell(conf)# priority-group ipc
Dell(conf-pg)# priority-list 4
Dell(conf-pg)# set-pgid 2
Dell(conf-pg)# exit
Dell(conf)# priority-group lan
Dell(conf-pg)# priority-list 0-2,5-7
Dell(conf-pg)# set-pgid 3
Dell(conf-pg)# exit
Dell(conf)# qos-policy-output san ets
Dell(conf-qos-policy-out)# bandwidth-percentage 50
Dell(conf-qos-policy-out)# exit
Dell(conf)# qos-policy-output lan ets
Dell(conf-qos-policy-out)# bandwidth-percentage 45
Dell(conf-qos-policy-out)# exit
Dell(conf)# qos-policy-output ipc ets
Dell(conf-qos-policy-out)# bandwidth-percentage 5
Dell(conf-qos-policy-out)# exit
Dell(conf)# dcb-output ets
Dell(conf-dcb-out)# priority-group san qos-policy san
Dell(conf-dcb-out)# priority-group lan qos-policy lan
Dell(conf-dcb-out)# priority-group ipc qos-policy ipc
Dell(conf)# interface tengigabitethernet 0/1
Dell(conf-if-te-0/1)# dcb-policy input pfc
Dell(conf-if-te-0/1)# dcb-policy output ets
Data Center Bridging (DCB)