Operation Manual

Dell Document Hub
Ta p
The screen to specify the file name and the file format is displayed.
Ta p t h e
File Name
text box, and enter the file name.
Ta p t h e
File Format
box, and specify the file format to save the scanned file.
Tap to check or change the scan settings.
Scan Settings
screen is displayed.
To show the other tiles, flick the screen side to side.
To return to the previous screen, tap
For more information on the Scan Settings, see "Scan" and "Scan Settings."
Tap in the Scan Settings screen, and you can save your scan settings and file path to the cloud service as a
favorite. Name your favorite in the Save Favorite screen, and tap
. If you are saving the favorite in the same name
with the existing favorite, the settings and the file path will be overwritten. You can delete the unnecessary favorite by
tapping .
Once you save your settings as a favorite, you can recall those settings the next time you sign in to the Dell Document Hub
from any printers of the same model.
Ta p
to start scanning.
To cancel scanning, tap
When the scanning is completed, the screen to show the selected location returns.
Searching for the Location Across the Cloud Services
Before you select the cloud service in the step 2 above, you can search for the location you want to save the scanned
file across the cloud services by tapping .
Enter the keywords, and tap Search.
You can select the location to save the scanned file in the Search Results screen.
You can sort the results by tapping .
Searching for the Location in the Selected Cloud Service
Before you select the location in the step 3 above, you can search for the location in the selected cloud service by
tapping .
Enter the keywords, and tap Search.
You can select the location to save the scanned file in the Search Results screen.
You can sort the results by tapping .