White Papers

Dell HPC Lustre Storage solution with Mellanox Infiniband EDR
The continued use of generally available, industry-standard benchmark tools like IOzone and MDtest
provide an easy way to match current and expected growth with the performance outlined. The
profiles reported from each of these tools provide sufficient information to align the configuration of
the Dell HPC Lustre Storage Solution with the requirements of many applications or group of
The Dell HPC Lustre Storage solution delivers all the benefits of a scale-out parallel file system-based
storage for your high performance computing needs.
Appendix A: Benchmark Command Reference
This section describes the commands used to benchmark the Dell HPC Lustre Storage solution.
IOzone Sequential Writes ā€“
iozone -i 0 -c -e -w -r 1024K -I -s $Size -t $Thread -+n -+m /root/list.$Thread
IOzone Sequential Reads -
iozone -i 1 -c -e -w -r 1024K -I -s $Size -t $Thread -+n -+m /root/list.$Thread
IOzone IOPS Random Reads / Writes ā€“
iozone -i 2 -w -c -O -I -r 4K -s $Size -t $Thread -+n -+m /root/list.$Thread
IOzone Command Line
-i 0
Write test
-i 1
Read test
-i 2
Random IOPS test
No retest
Includes close in the timing calculations
Includes flush in the timing calculations
Records size
File size
Location of clients to run IOzone on when in clustered mode
Use O_Direct
Does not unlink (delete) temporary file
No retests selected
Return results in OPS
The O_Direct command line parameter (ā€œ-Iā€) allows us to bypass the cache on the compute nodes
where the IOzone threads are running.
MDtest - Metadata
Files Operations -
mpirun -np $Threads -rr --hostfile /share/mdt_clients/mdtlist.$Threads /share/mdtest/mdtest.intel
-v -d /mnt/lustre/perf_test24-1M -i $Reps -b $Dirs -z 1 -L -I $Files -y -u -t -F
Command Line Arguments
the directory in which the tests will run
verbosity (each instance of option increments by one)
number of iterations the test will run
branching factor of hierarchical directory structure
depth of hierarchical directory structure
files only at leaf level of tree