White Papers

Ready Solutions Engineering Test Results
RNA-Seq pipeline benchmark with Dell EMC Ready
Bundle for HPC Life Sciences
Deferentially Expressed Gene (DEG) Analysis with Tuxedo Pipeline
Gene expression analysis is as important as identifying Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, indel or chromosomal restructuring.
Eventually, the entire physiological and biochemical events depend on the final gene expression products, proteins. Many quantitative
scientists, non-biologists tend to oversimplify the flow of genetic information and forget about what the actual roles of proteins are.
Simplification is the beginning of most science fields; however, it is too optimistic to think that this practice also works for biology.
Although all the human organs contain the identical genomic composition, the actual protein expressed in various organs are
completely different. Ideally, a technology enables to quantify the entire proteins in a cell could excel the progress of Life Science
significantly; however, we are far from to achieving it. Here, in this blog, we test one popular RNA-Seq data analysis pipeline known as
Tuxedo pipeline. The Tuxedo suite offers a set of tools for analyzing a variety of RNA-Seq data, including short-read mapping,
identification of splice junctions, transcript and isoform detection, differential expression, visualizations, and quality control metrics.
A typical RNA-Seq data set consists of multiple samples as shown in Figure 1. Although the number of sample sets depends on the
biological experimental designs, two sets of samples are used to make comparisons between normal vs. cancer samples or untreated
vs. treated samples, for examples.
Figure 1 Tested Tuxedo pipeline workflow

Summary of content (6 pages)