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Scaling Deep Learning on Multiple V100 Nodes
Authors: Rengan Xu, Frank Han, Nishanth Dandapanthula.
HPC Innovation Lab. November 2017
In our previous blog, we presented the deep learning performance on single Dell PowerEdge C4130 node with four V100 GPUs. For very
large neural network models, a single node is still not powerful enough to quickly train those models. Therefore, it is important to scale
the training model to multiple nodes to meet the computation demand. In this blog, we will evaluate the multi-node performance of deep
learning frameworks MXNet and Caffe2. The results will show that both frameworks scale well on multiple V100-SXM2 nodes.
Overview of MXNet and Caffe2
In this section, we will give an overview about how MXNet and Caffe2 are implemented for distributed training on multiple nodes. Usually
there are two ways to parallelize neural network training on multiple devices: data parallelism and model parallelism. In data parallelism,
all devices have the same model but different devices work on different pieces of data. While in model parallelism, difference devices
have parameters of different layers of a neural network. In this blog, we only focus on the data parallelism in deep learning frameworks
and will evaluate the model parallelism in the future. Another choice in most deep learning frameworks is whether to use synchronous or
asynchronous weight update. The synchronous implementation aggregates the gradients over all workers in each iteration (or mini-batch)
before updating the weights. However, in asynchronous implementation, each worker updates the weight independently with each other.
Since the synchronous way guarantees the model convergence while the asynchronous way is still an open question, we only evaluate
the synchronous weight update.
MXNet is able to launch jobs on a cluster in several ways including SSH, Yarn, MPI. For this evaluation, SSH was chosen. In SSH mode,
the processes in different nodes use rsync to synchronize the working directory from root node into slave nodes. The purpose of
synchronization is to aggregate the gradients over all workers in each iteration (or mini-batch). Caffe2 uses Gloo library for multi-node
training and Redis library to facilitate management of nodes in distributed training. Gloo is a MPI like library that comes with a number of
collective operations like barrier, broadcast and allreduce for machine learning applications. The Redis library used by Gloo is used to
connect all participating nodes.
Testing Methodology
We chose to evaluate two deep learning frameworks for our testing, MXNet and Caffe2. As with our previous benchmarks, we will again
use the ILSVRC 2012 dataset which contains 1,281,167 training images and 50,000 validation images. The neural network in the training
is called Resnet50 which is a computationally intensive network that both frameworks support. To get the best performance, CUDA 9
compiler, CUDNN 7 library and NCCL 2.0 are used for both frameworks, since they are optimized for V100 GPUs. The testing platform
has four Dell EMC’s PowerEdge C4130 servers in configuration K. The system layout of configuration K is shown in Figure 1. As we can
see, the server has four V100-SXM2 GPUs and all GPUs are connected by NVLink. The other hardware and software details are shown
in Table 1. Table 2 shows the input parameters that are used to train Resnet50 neural network in both frameworks.

Summary of content (4 pages)