Administrator Guide

i Right-click the smauser, select Set Password, and click Proceed when prompted.
j Enter the password that was output by the Test-WapResourceProviderEndpoints.ps1 script, and click OK.
k Right-click the spfuser, select Set Password, and click Proceed when prompted.
l Enter the password that was output by the Test-WapResourceProviderEndpoints.ps1 script, and click OK.
m Conrm that the passwords work by opening the Admin portal.
8 Reset the SMA stored service accounts passwords on <
>APA01 as follows:
a From an administrative PowerShell session, get a list of the current stored SMA credentials:
Get-SmaCredential -WebServiceEndpoint https://<PREFIX>apa01 | FT Name,Username
Figure 64. Example output for SmaCredential
b Set each SMA credential that contains the solution prex with the following code block. Utilize the name from the previous
step's output with the Get-Credential cmdlet to set the username and password.
Set-SmaCredential -WebServiceEndPoint https://<PREFIX>apa01 -Name <NAME> -Value (Get-
c When prompted for the username and password, enter the username in domain\username form and the password of the service
account you are conguring.
Figure 65. Windows PowerShell credential request
: The Operations Manager Service Account in the output at the top of the graphic provides the -Name
value OM which is used to set the credential. In the dialog, enter the user name in
and then type your domain password.
d Perform the above steps on each of the SMA credentials found that contain the solution prex.
Once you have reset all the passwords, you can execute the MCPasswordReset.ps1 script, and monitor for any additional errors. For
instructions, see
How to run the MCPasswordReset script.