Reference Guide

Description Allows you to initialize or get the status of the vFlash SD card. The initialize operation removes all the existing
partitions and resets the card.
The status operation displays the status of the last operation performed on the card.
To run this subcommand, you must have the Access Virtual Media privilege.
NOTE: After you restart the iDRAC, the status of the previous initialize operation is erased.
racadm vflashsd initialize
racadm vflashsd status
Initialize— performs initialize operation on SD card.
Status — indicates to view the progress or status report of the initialize operation.
If initialization is in progress, the message Initialization of the vFlash SD Card is now in
progress is displayed. If unsuccessful, appropriate error message is displayed.
If the status of the last operation performed is successful, the message LastAction Progress
Status=============Initialize SD Card 100 % Complete is displayed. If unsuccessful, appropriate
error message is displayed.
Manages the partitions on the vFlash SD card.
To run this subcommand, you must have the iDRAC Enterprise license.
After iDRAC restart, the status of the previous operation performed on the partition(s) is erased.
racadm vflashpartition <create | delete | status | list> -i<index> -o<label> -
e<emulation type> -s<size> -f<format type> -t<partition type> -l<path> -
u<user> -p<password> -a
150 RACADM Subcommand Details