Reference Guide

To display the statistics for the integrated NIC, type the following command:
$ racadm nicstatistics NIC.Integrated.1-1
Total Bytes Received: 0
Total Bytes Transmitted: 0
Total Unicast Bytes Received: 0
Total Multicast Bytes Received: 0
Total Broadcast Bytes Received: 0
Total Unicast Bytes Transmitted: 0
To get the network statistics, type the following command:
$ racadm nicstatistics
NIC.Slot.5-2-1 : QLogic CNA Gigabit Ethernet-B8:AC:6F:B3:BF:10
NIC.Slot.5-2-1 : QLogic CNA Gigabit Ethernet-B8:AC:6F:B3:BF:11
NIC.Slot.5-2-1 : QLogic CNA Gigabit Ethernet-B8:AC:6F:B3:BF:12
NIC.Slot.5-2-1 : QLogic CNA Gigabit Ethernet-B8:AC:6F:B3:BF:13
NIC.Slot.5-2-1 : QLogic CNA Gigabit Ethernet-B8:AC:6F:B3:BF:14
Verifies if the destination IP address is reachable from iDRAC with the current routing-table contents. A destination
IP address is required. Based on the current routing-table contents, an ICMP echo packet is sent to the destination
IP address.
To run this subcommand, you must have the Debug privilege.
racadm ping <ipaddress>
Input <ipaddress> — The IP address of the remote endpoint to ping.
PING 192.168.0 (192.168.0): 56 data bytes64 bytes from 192.168.0: seq=0
ttl=64 time=4.121 ms
192.168.0 ping statistics
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0 percent packet lossround-trip
min/avg/max = 4.121/4.121/4.121 ms
Verifies if the destination IPv6 address is reachable from iDRAC or with the current routing-table contents. A
destination IPv6 address is required. Based on the current routing-table contents, an ICMP echo packet is sent to
the destination IPv6 address.
To run this subcommand, you must have Debug privilege.
racadm ping6 <ipv6address>
RACADM Subcommand Details 93