Release Notes

Tracking number NA
Header error while using Powershell for Redfish
Description iDRAC RESTful API with Redfish displays an error stating unacceptable header specified in request for commands
run on PowerShell. Unlike other REST API tools such as Python, CURL and Postman, the PowerShell Invoke-
WebRequest command does NOT automatically add a header to REST requests; the header must be explicitly
included by the programmer.
Workaround You need to explicitly include a header while using Powershell for any type of Redfish request.
Systems affected All systems supported by this release.
Tracking number N/A
Port 5353 blocked by iDRAC internal firewall and
appears as Open|Filtered
Description When node initiated discovery or Group Manager is enabled, iDRAC uses mDNS to communicate through port
5353. However, when both are disabled, port 5353 is blocked by iDRAC's internal firewall and appears as Open|
Filtered port in the port scans.
Workaround Group Manager and node initiated discovery need to be turned off in order to disable mDNS.
Systems affected All systems supported by this release.
Tracking number N/A
Known issues — To be fixed in future releases 19