
Keyboard: Dell Inspiron 8200
1 M2.5 x 20-mm screws
Removing the Keyboard
1. Follow the instructions in "Preparing to Work Inside the Computer."
2. Turn the computer over and remove the four M2.5 x 20-mm screws (three
labeled "circle K" and one labeled "circle K/M").
3. Turn the computer over and open the display.
NOTICE: Be careful when handling the keyboard. The keycaps are fragile,
easily dislodged, and time-consuming to replace.
4. Use a nonmarring plastic scribe under the blank key to pry up the keyboard.
file:///F|/Service%20Manuals/Dell/Inspiron/8200/keyboard.htm (2 of 5) [2/28/2004 7:40:51 AM]