Owners Manual

Dell Integrated Systems for Oracle Database - Oracle Enterprise Manager Integration Guide v1.0
6 Install Oracle Management Agent (OMA) on
This section describes the installation and configuration of Oracle Management Agent for
Windows platform on WinVM. The Oracle Management Agent is used to convert an
unmanaged host to a managed host in the Enterprise Manager System, which uses the
Oracle Management Agent to monitor targets running on the managed host.
6.1 Prerequisites
Before proceeding to OMA installation, make sure you have the data about the following
OMS Hostname (Oracle Management Server Hostname)
To get the details of parameters mentioned above, either contact Oracle EM Administrator
or execute the following command on OMS host. Go to OMS home and run the following
command and verify the output. A sample output is given here.
$ . /emctl status agent -- details
OMSHOSTNAME (OMS_HOST): Full Qualified name (EX: - d****xyz.com)
Acquire Windows management software on OMS
To install a Management Agent on Windows host, the OMA software must be downloaded
on the OMS host and applied by using Self Update. Installation of OMA on Windows
platform can be done by using the following methods.
Acquiring the Management Agent Software in Online Mode
Acquiring the Management Agent Software in Offline Mode
To acquire Windows management software on the OEM server, link.
6.2 Installing OMA on WinVM
After the OMS supports Windows platform and proper connectivity is ensured between
OMS host and the WinVM, you can use the PsExec tools to pull the Windows agent from
the OMS onto a staging host. This host can be used to push the Oracle management
agent for Windows onto any number of target Windows hosts (WinVM in our case).