Reference Guide

5 - 16 Barcode Scanner Configuration Guide
IDC Delay Time
Parameter Name: DocCap_DELAY
SSI # F2h 3Eh
Parameter # 830
Set the delay for capturing a document after a trigger pull. Decoding a bar code aborts this delay. This
parameter only applies in Free-Form mode.
Scan the bar code below, followed by three bar codes from Appendix B, Numeric Bar Codes in the range of
000 to 200 decimal in units of 10 msec. The default is 000.
IDC Delay Time
IDC Zoom Limit
Parameter Name: Sig_MIN_PERCENT
SSI # F1h 8Bh
Parameter # 651
Set the minimal zoom percentage value of a form for it to be considered for capture. This controls the quality
of the captured form. The IDC firmware rejects capturing a form unless the width is at least the IDC Zoom Limit
percentage of the IDC Width parameter. For example, if you set this parameter to 100 and IDC Width to 150,
the form must be at least 300 pixels wide before it is captured (each unit module is scaled to two pixels).
Set this to zero (the default) to disable all checking. This parameter only applies in Anchored mode.
Scan the bar code below, followed by three bar codes from Appendix B, Numeric Bar Codes in the range of
000 to 100 percent. The default is 000.
IDC Zoom Limit