Reference Guide

Imaging Preferences 2 - 13
Crop to Pixel Addresses (SE4750)
SSI # F4h F0h 3Bh (Top)
SSI # F4h F0h 3Ch (Left)
SSI # F4h F0h 3Dh (Bottom)
SSI # F4h F0h 3Eh (Right)
Parameter # 315 (Top)
Parameter # 316 (Left)
Parameter # 317 (Bottom)
Parameter # 318 (Right)
If Image Cropping is enabled, set the pixel addresses from (0,0) to (1279, 959) to crop to.
Columns are numbered from 0 to 1279, rows from 0 to 959. Specify four values for Top, Left, Bottom, and
Right, where Top and Bottom correspond to row pixel addresses, and Left and Right correspond to column
pixel addresses. For example, for a 4 row x 8 column image in the extreme bottom-right section of the image,
set the following values:
Top = 955, Bottom = 959, Left = 1271, Right = 1279
To set the pixel address to crop to, scan each Pixel Address bar code followed by four bar codes from
Appendix B, Numeric Bar Codes which represent the value. Include leading zeros, so to enter a value of 3, for
example, scan 0, 0, 0, 3.
NOTE The barcode scanner has a minimum cropping resolution of four pixels; increment and decrement
cropping addresses in multiples of four. Other values are rounded up. For example, choosing to crop from
the top at addresses 0, 1, or 2 (removing 1, 2, or 3 pixels) has the same result as cropping at address 3;
this removes four rows from the top.
Top Pixel Address
(0 - 959 Decimal)
Left Pixel Address
(0 - 1279 Decimal)
Bottom Pixel Address
(0 - 959 Decimal)
Right Pixel Address
(0 - 1279 Decimal)