Reference Guide

2 28 Barcode Scanner Configuration Guide
Target Video Frame Size
SSI # F0h 48h
Parameter # 328
Select the number of 100-byte blocks to transmit per second. Selecting a smaller value transmits more frames
per second but reduces video quality; selecting a larger value increases video quality but slows transmission.
To set the Target Video Frame Size, scan the bar code below followed by three bar codes from Appendix B,
Numeric Bar Codes corresponding to the 100-byte value from 800 to 20,000 bytes. For example, to select
1500 bytes, enter 0, 1, 5. To select 900 bytes, enter 0, 0, 9. The default is 2200 bytes.
Target Video Frame Size
Video View Finder Image Size
SSI # F0h 49h
Parameter # 329
Select the number of 100-byte blocks. Values range from 800 to 12,000 bytes. Selecting a smaller value
transmits more frames per second; selecting a larger value increases video quality.
To set the Video View Finder Image Size, scan the bar code below followed by three bar codes from Appendix
B, Numeric Bar Codes corresponding to the 100-byte value from 800 to 12,000 bytes. For example, to select
1500 bytes, enter 0, 1, 5. To select 900 bytes, enter 0, 0, 9. The default is 1700 bytes.
Video View Finder Image Size