Deployment Guide

1-20 Dell Latitude L400 System Information Guide
A Declaration of Conformity in accordance with the preceding directives and
standards has been made and is on file at Dell Computer Corporation Products
Europe BV, Limerick, Ireland.
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Most Dell computer systems are classified by the Voluntary Control Council for
Interference (VCCI) as Class B information technology equipment (ITE). However, the
inclusion of certain options can change the rating of some configurations to Class A.
ITE, including peripherals, expansion cards, printers, input/output (I/O) devices,
monitors, and so on, integrated into or connected to the system, should match the
electromagnetic environment classification (Class A or B) of the computer system.
To determine which classification applies to your computer system, examine the
regulatory labels/markings (see Figures 1-7 and 1-8) located on the bottom or back
panel of your computer. Once you have determined your systems VCCI
classification, read the appropriate VCCI notice.
Class A ITE
This is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for
Interference (VCCI) for information technology equipment. If this equipment is used
in a domestic environment, radio disturbance may arise. When such trouble occurs,
the user may be required to take corrective actions.
This device belongs to Class B devices as described in EN 55022, unless it is
specifically stated that it is a Class A device on the specification label. The
following applies to devices in Class A of EN 55022 (radius of protection up to
30 meters). The user of the device is obliged to take all steps necessary to remove
sources of interference to telecommunication or other devices.
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