White Papers

Dell™ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Windows Version: 2.1.0
The following example is typical of the formatting used in this document:
winrm e cimv2/root/dcim/DCIM_OSDeploymentService
-encoding:utf-8 -a:basic
3.2 WS-Man Security & Time Parameters
3.2.1 Encryption Certificate Security
For the WinRM examples provided in this document, the strict checks of certificates such as matching
of CNs (Common Names) and verification with the actual CA (Certificate Authority) of the certificate of
the WS-Management protocol HTTPS encryption certificate is assumed to be already configured and
enabled. To disable the strict certificate checking, add the following command line options to all
WinRM examples: skipCACheck and skipCNCHeck.
Additionally, the following error may result if the end point does not support this feature. Use the
switch -skiprevocationcheck to bypass this error.
Message = The server certificate on the destination computer ( has the following
The SSL certificate could not be checked for revocation. The server used to check for revocation might
be unreachable.
Refer to the WinRM documentation
and related documentation for directions on setting up encryption
certificates for WinRM and executing WinRM invocations using full security capabilities. Refer to the
Lifecycle Controller User Guide
for directions on configuring different encryption certificates for the
iDRAC Web server. Dell recommends that the full security and encryption capabilities of the WS-
Management protocol is used for production level utilization of the Lifecycle Controller Web services
3.2.2 Handling invalid responses from WSMAN commands
Check the network connection to make sure that the system is connected
Check the WSMAN syntax to ensure there are no typos in the command line
Check if there are other WSMAN commands sending from other systems
Wait for a few seconds and re-try the WSMAN command