Read me

file:///T|/htdocs/SOFTWARE/smusc/smlc/lc_1_2/en/Readme/readme.txt[10/25/2012 1:38:59 PM]
normal operation.
USC does not support the update or rollback options of PERC5/E Adapter
for External Storage or SAS5iR Adapter for tape.
If a floppy drive is attached to the system when the USC is used to
deploy a Windows 2003 Server operating system, error popup messages
will be displayed, and many required device drivers such as NIC, video,
and chipset drivers will not be installed, but the storage device
drivers will be installed. Do not attach floppy devices before using
the USC to deploy a Windows 2003 Server operating system.
If you see this error message "Unable to find a boot device on which
to install the operating system. Verify boot disk availability." and if
you have a USB key plugged in to the system after booting to USC,
please remove the USB key before deploying the operating system.
IMPORTANT: If you are updating iDRAC firmware using a tool other than
USC, do not run USC during the firmware update because doing so will
result in unknown behavior. After the firmware is successfully updated,
you can safely use USC.
IMPORTANT: If you are updating iDRAC firmware, do not run USC during
the firmware update because doing so will result in unknown behavior.
After the firmware is successfully updated, you can safely use USC.
Note: If the iDRAC firmware update is interrupted for any reason, you
may be required to wait for up to 30 minutes before you can attempt
another firmware update.
Note: When configuring the FTP server for your repository in the
platform update, you may get a message that indicates that a network
connection exists with your FTP server; however, it may mean that the
validation process needs some extra time depending on your network
setting. Click OK on the message box, and try one more time to connect
to the FTP server.
Note: Account access can be disabled only if there is more than one
user enabled on the iDRAC. To enable users, access the iDRAC Web-based
GUI. Navigate to the Users section under the Network/Security tab and
enable users as needed. Note that at least one more user needs to be
enabled in order to disable the account access in the USC.
Note: In the iDRAC Configuration Wizard, the DNS Domain Name may
contain a maximum of 64 ASCII characters. (282986)
Note: When attempting a Platform Rollback, there may be a two minute
delay before Rollback tasks are displayed on the screen. (287021)
"When using Hardware Configuration Advanced Configuration, if you click
on any NIC or BIOS devices and then leave the page and come back, you
may experience delays of up to 18 seconds on all the pages. (286799)
Note: In the iDRAC Configuration Wizard, there is not a selection for