White Papers

Dellâ„¢ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Linux Version: 2.1.0
The image can be located on a NFS/CIFS share or on a TFTP server. When this method is successfully
executed, an instance of DCIM_OpaqueManagementData representing the desired partition will be
created (Section 13.1), and a reference to this instance is captured in the output parameter Job.
Invoke CreatePartitionUsingImage() with the following parameters and syntax:
PartitionIndex: The PartitionIndex property of the DCIM_OpaqueManagementData instance
that represents the partition to be formatted
1 to 16
PartitionType: The format types that these partitions need to be formatted as
floppy=1, hard disk=2, CD ROM=3
OSVolumeLabel: The label seen in the OS after attaching the partition
URI: The URI location of firmware to update a component
Supported protocols are FTP and HTTP.
IPAddress: IP address of TFTP or NFS share
ShareType: Type of share
NFS=0, TFTP=1, CIFS=2, FTP=3, HTTP=4
SharePath: NFS sharepoint address
ImageName: Name of the ISO or IMG image
Workgroup: Name of the workgroup, if applicable
Username: The username to be used to access the file
Password: The password to be used to access the file
Port: The port number to be used
HashType: The hash type
MD5=1, SHA1=2
HashValue: The hash value string based on the HashType parameter
wsman invoke -a CreatePartitionUsingImage http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-
-h $IPADDRESS -V -v -c dummy.cert -P 443