White Papers

Dellâ„¢ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Linux Version: 2.1.0
-h $IPADDRESS -V -v -c dummy.cert -P 443
-u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD -J SetAttribute_CNA_IscsiOffloadMode.xml
-j utf-8 -y basic
The information in the input file SetAttribute_NIC.xml is shown below:
<p:SetAttributes_INPUT xmlns:p="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-
<n1:Message>The command was successful</n1:Message>
<n1:RebootRequired>Yes</n1:RebootRequired >
<n1:SetResult>Set PendingValue</n1:SetResult >
15.11 Setting the MaxBandwidth Attribute
The SetAttribute() method is used to set or change the value of a CNA attribute.
The MinBandwidth and MaxBandwidth attributes control the bandwidth allocations for a given CNA
partition. The values are displayed in percentage.
For Broadcom CNA cards, the MinBandwidth attribute values for a given port must always add up to
either 0 or 100. MaxBandwidth is a value of 100 or less for any given partition.
For the Qlogic CNA cards, the MinBandwidth attribute values for a given port must add up to 100 or
less. MaxBandwidth again is a value of 100 or less for any given partition.
Invoke SetAttribute() with the following parameters(from Section 15.1) and syntax:
Target: FQDD attained through DCIM_NICInteger
AttributeName: Attained from AttributeName field
AttributeValue: A new value to assign to the specified NICAttribute. If this value is valid, it is
applied to the PendingValue property or the Currentvalue property of the specified
NICAttribute. Range of choices is attained from the LowerBound and UpperBound fields:
LowerBound = 0
UpperBound = 100