White Papers

Dellâ„¢ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Linux Version: 2.1.0
-h $IPADDRESS -V -v -c dummy.cert -P 443
-u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD -j utf-8 -y basic
<n1:Message>ISO image is not attached</n1:Message>
11.3.18 Connect RFS ISO Image
The ConnectRFSISOImage() method is used to connect the ISO image that is mounted through Remote
File Share (RFS) and is exposed to the host system as a USB-based CD-ROM device. The successful
execution of this method shall connect to the ISO located on NFS/CIFS share to the host server and
expose it as a virtual CDROM device using RFS USB endpoint. The successful execution of the method
shall not change the boot order of that device. In order to boot to the CD-ROM, the CD-ROM shall be
configured in the boot order in a separate step (using BIOS and Boot Management Profile), and the host
server shall boot to the CD-ROM. Unlike the ConnectNetworkISOImage() method, the Lifecycle
Controller is not locked and may perform other management tasks.
Invoke ConnectRFSISOImage() with the following syntax:
[IPADDRESS-ISO]: The IP address of the server that stores ISO images.
[DRIVESHARE]: This is the directory path to the ISO image.
[SHARETYPE]: The type of the remote storage. 0: NFS, 2: CIFS
[SHAREUSER]: User account for the ISO share location
[SHAREPASSWORD]: Password of the share account
[WORKGROUP]: Applicable workgroup
[IMAGENAME]: Image name of the iso image, such as boot.iso.
wsman invoke -a ConnectRFSISOImage http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-