White Papers

Dell™ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Linux Version: 2.1.0
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19.6 Listing the iDRAC Card Inventory-Integer Class using groupID
Enumerate the DCIM_iDRACCardInteger class to list all the integer type iDRAC attributes using the
group IDs of these groups: NIC and Users. To retrieve the attributes of the groups, set the GroupID to
one of the following: NIC or Users.
All the iDRAC attributes of type integer that are part of a given Group (NIC and Users) are retrieved. In
order to do this, “GroupID” needs to be set to one of the following: NIC or Users.
Enumerate the iDRACCardInteger class with the following parameters and syntax:
wsman enumerate http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-
-h $IPADDRESS -V -v -c dummy.cert -P 443 -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD
-j utf-8 -y basic
--filter="select * from DCIM_iDRACCardInteger where GroupID='NIC.1'"
The possible inputs for GroupID are:
<n1:AttributeDisplayName>VLan Priority
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