White Papers

Dell™ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Linux Version: 2.1.0
<n1:Message>ISO Image not found on VFlash</n1:Message>
11.3.14 Connect Network ISO Image
This method can be used to connect and boot to the target system to a bootable ISO image located on
a CIFS or NFS share. The ISO image is attached to the host system as an emulated USB CD-ROM storage
device. The attachment will persist while the system is booted to the ISO image and continue booting
to the ISO image as long as the connection is there.
Invoke ConnectNetworkISOImage() via CIFS/NFS share with the following syntax:
[CIFS_or_NFS_IPADDRESS]: This is the IP address of the location of the ISO image.
[/CIFS_or_NFS/OSISO]: This is the sharename directory path to the ISO image.
[2_or_0]: 2=CIFS, 0=NFS
[CIFS_or_NFS_Username]: This is the username to the IP address of the ISO image.
[CIFS_or_NFS_Password]: This is the corresponding password to the username containing the ISO
[OS.ISO]: This is to be replaced by the actual name of the ISO image.
wsman invoke -a ConnectNetworkISOImage http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-
-h $IPADDRESS -V v -c dummy.cert -P 443
-k IPAddress="[CIFS_or_NFS_IPaddress]" -k ShareName="/[CIFS_or_NFS]"
-k ShareType="[2_or_0]" -k Username="[CIFS_or_NFS_Username]"
-k Password="[CIFS_or_NFS_Password]" -k Workgroup="WORKGROUP"
k ImageName="[OS.ISO]" -j utf-8 -y basic
The return will be 0 for success or 1 if an error occurred in starting the processing the input
parameters. The MessageID and Message output parameters will further contain method invocation
information if an error occurred.