White Papers

Dellâ„¢ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Windows Version: 2.1.0
13.3 Enable/Disable VFlash using VFlash State Change
This method is used to enable or disable the virtual flash media device. When the
VFlashStateChange() method is successfully executed, the change will be dictated in the
VFlashEnabledState parameter as shown in Section 13.2.1 and Section 13.2.3.
Invoke VFlashStateChange() with the following parameters and syntax:
RequestedState: The state to set to
Enable=1, Disable=2
winrm i VFlashStateChange http://schemas.dell.com/wbem/wscim/1/cim-
-r:https://[IPADDRESS]/wsman -SkipCNcheck -SkipCAcheck
-encoding:utf-8 -a:basic -file:VFlashStateChange.xml
The input file VFlashStateChange.xml is shown below:
<p:VFlashStateChange_INPUT xmlns:p="http://schemas.dell.com/wbem/wscim/1/cim-
ReturnValue = 0
13.4 Create Partition
This method is used for creating a new partition on a storage device. When this method is successfully
executed, an instance of DCIM_OpaqueManagementData representing the desired partition will be
created (Section 13.1) and a reference to this instance is captured in the output parameter Job.
Invoke CreatePartition() with the following parameters and syntax:
PartitionIndex: The PartitionIndex property of the DCIM_OpaqueManagementData instance
that represents the partition to be formatted
1 to 16
Size: The size of the partition to be created
SizeUnit: The unit of the size