White Papers

Dellâ„¢ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Windows Version: 2.1.0
16.9 Listing the RAID Inventory-PhysicalDiskView Class
Enumerating the PhysicalDiskView, results in the attributes and inventory of the available physical disks
in the system.
Enumerate PhysicalDiskView with the following parameters and syntax:
winrm e http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/root/dcim/DCIM_PhysicalDiskView
-r:https://[IPADDRESS]/wsman -SkipCNCheck -SkipCACheck
-encoding:utf-8 -a:basic
BusProtocol = 6
Connector = 0
DriveFormFactor = 3
FQDD = Disk.Bay.0:Enclosure.Internal.0-0:RAID.Slot.1-1
FreeSizeInBytes = 8978432
HotSpareStatus = 0
InstanceID = Disk.Bay.0:Enclosure.Internal.0-0:RAID.Slot.1-1
LastSystemInventoryTime = 20120116145459.000000+000
LastUpdateTime = 20120116145459.000000+000
Manufacturer = SEAGATE
ManufacturingDay = 7
ManufacturingWeek = 50
ManufacturingYear = 2010
MaxCapableSpeed = 3
MediaType = 0
Model = ST9500430SS
OperationName = None
OperationPercentComplete = 0
PPID = TH0R734K212330CG0027A00
PredictiveFailureState = 0
PrimaryStatus = 1
RaidStatus = 2
Revision = DS62
RollupStatus = 1
SASAddress = 5000C50025D64875
SecurityState = 0
SerialNumber = 9SP297S1
SizeInBytes = 499558383616
Slot = 0
SupportedEncryptionTypes = None
UsedSizeInBytes = 35827154944
BusProtocol = 6
Connector = 0
DriveFormFactor = 2