White Papers

Dellâ„¢ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Windows Version: 2.1.0
winrm e cimv2/root/dcim/DCIM_BIOSPassword
-r:https://[IPADDRESS]/wsman -SkipCNcheck -SkipCAcheck
-encoding:utf-8 -a:basic
AttributeDisplayName = System Password
AttributeName = SysPassword
Dependency = <Dep><AttrLev Op="OR"><ROIf
DisplayOrder = 1402
FQDD = BIOS.Setup.1-1
GroupDisplayName = System Security
GroupID = SysSecurity
InstanceID = BIOS.Setup.1-1:SysPassword
IsReadOnly = false
IsSet = false
MaxLength = 32
MinLength = 0
PasswordState = 3
PendingValue = null
ValueExpression = ^[]0-9a-z "+,-./;[\`]{0,32}$
AttributeDisplayName = Setup Password
AttributeName = SetupPassword
Dependency = null
DisplayOrder = 1403
FQDD = BIOS.Setup.1-1
GroupDisplayName = System Security
GroupID = SysSecurity
InstanceID = BIOS.Setup.1-1:SetupPassword
IsReadOnly = false
IsSet = false
MaxLength = 32
MinLength = 0
PasswordState = 3
PendingValue = null
ValueExpression = ^[]0-9a-z "+,-./;[\`]{0,32}$
18 Exporting and Importing Server Profile
Use this feature to back up and restore host server profile. You can take a backup of current system
configuration that is stored in a backup image file. Use Restore at anytime to put the system to pre-
backup state.
Profile and Associated MOFs: