White Papers

vStart 1000v for Enterprise Virtualization using VMware vSphere: Reference Architecture
Page 21
Scaling Storage Resources: Compellent storage can be scaled seamlessly and independent of the
compute and network architectures. Additional drives and enclosures can be added to the existing
controllers. New volumes can be created or existing volumes can be expanded to utilize the capacity in
the added enclosures. The vStart 1000v solution can scale up to maximum of 16 array enclosures. To
scale beyond this, additional racks or controllers can be added. Compellent Series 40 controller can
scale up to a maximum of 960 drives.
11 Delivery Model
This Reference Architecture can be purchased as a complete solution, the vStart 1000v. This solution
is available to be partially racked, cabled, and delivered to the customer site, to speed deployment.
Dell Services will deploy and configure the solution tailored to the business needs of the customer and
based on the architecture developed and validated by Dell Engineering. For more details or questions
about the delivery model, please consult with your Dell Sales representative.