User's Manual

Viewing Host Power Monitoring
The host system power monitoring provides general power information, energy statistics, and reserve power
information, including:
Current power budget, profile, warning and failure thresholds
Energy consumption, system peak power, and amperage statistics
Reserve power and peak reserve capacity
To view host power monitoring:
1. In vSphere Client, select your host, then select the Dell Server Management tab.
2. In the left pane, under Host Information, click Power Monitoring.
3. In the Power Monitoring page, view the power for this host.
Displaying The Entire Datacenter Hardware Configuration And
You must complete an inventory job prior to displaying the entire datacenter hardware configuration and status. Once
the inventory is run, you can view any of the following:
Hardware: Field Replaceable Units
Hardware: Processors
Hardware: Power Supplies
Hardware: Memory
Hardware: NICs
Hardware: PCI Slots
Hardware: Remote Access Card
Storage: Physical Disks
Storage: Virtual Disks
Power Monitoring
To display the entire datacenter hardware configuration and status:
1. From the vSphere Client , under the Inventory heading select Hosts and Clusters.
2. In Hosts and Clusters, select a datacenter in the tree view and select the Dell Server Management tab.
3. An overview of all hosts in the datacenter is displayed. Use the View drop-down list to view an inventory category.
4. Use the Filter text box to enter a filter for the inventory data.
5. To refresh the displayed inventory, click Refresh.
6. In the download location window, browse to the location to save the inventory and click Save.
Managing Connection Profiles
Connection profiles associate access and deployment credentials with a set of host systems and typically contain:
Name and unique description (to help with profile management)