User's Manual

For information on Managing Hypervisor Profiles, see Managing Hypervisor Profiles.
Managing Hypervisor Profiles
There are several management actions you can perform on existing hypervisor profiles, including:
Understanding VLAN Support
Viewing Or Editing Hypervisor Profiles
Duplicating Hypervisor Profiles
Renaming Hypervisor Profiles
Deleting A Hypervisor Profile
Refreshing Hypervisor Profiles
VLAN Support
The Dell Management Plug-in supports hypervisor deployment to a routable VLAN. Configure VLAN support in
Deployment Wizard Step 4. In this portion of the Deployment Wizard, there is an option to specify use of VLANs and to
specify a VLAN ID. When a VLAN ID is provided, it is applied to the hypervisor's management interface during
deployment and tags all traffic with the VLAN ID.
Figure 5. Enable VLAN settings on the Server Identification page of the Deployment Wizard.
Make sure that the VLAN provided during deployment communicates with both the virtual appliance and the vCenter
server. The deployment of a hypervisor to a VLAN that cannot communicate to one or both of these destinations causes
the deployment to fail.
If you have selected multiple bare-metal servers in a single deployment job and want to apply the same VLAN ID to all
the servers then on the Server Identification portion of the Deployment Wizard, under Default Settings, use the
settings to all selected servers
button. This option lets you apply the same VLAN ID along with the other network
settings to all the servers in that deployment job.
NOTE: The Dell Management Plug-in does not support a multi-homed configuration. Adding a second network
interface to the appliance for communication with a second network causes problems for the work flows involving
hypervisor deployment, server compliance, and firmware updates.