User's Manual

Managing Deployment Templates
From the Dell Management Center, there are several management actions you can perform on existing deployment
templates, including:
Building Deployment Templates
Duplicating Deployment Templates
Renaming Deployment Templates
Deleting A Deployment Template
Duplicating Deployment Templates
To duplicate a deployment template:
1. In the Dell Management Center, select DeploymentDeployment Templates .
2. On the Deployment Templates page, select a template, and then click Duplicate.
3. Enter the template's new name and click Apply. The template must have a unique name.
Deleting A Deployment Template
To delete a deployment template:
1. In the Dell Management Center, select DeploymentDeployment Templates .
2. On the Deployment Templates page, select a template and click Delete.
3. Click Delete on the message box to delete the template, or click Cancel to cancel.
Renaming a Deployment Template
To rename deployment template:
1. In the Dell Management Center, select DeploymentDeployment Templates .
2. On the Deployment Templates page, select a template, click Rename.
3. Enter the template's new name and click Apply. The template must have a unique name.
4. To display all updated deployment templates, from the Dell Management Center select DeploymentDeployment
Templates and click Refresh.
Running The Deployment Wizard
The Deployment Wizard steps you through the bare metal server deployment process of:
Selecting undeployed servers.
When you deploy hypervisor, you can deploy to an Internal Dual SD Module with a minimum of 1 GB of storage.
The Internal Dual SD Module must be enabled from the BIOS before you deploy the hypervisor with the Dell
Management Plug-in.
Using a deployment template (hardware and hypervisor profiles combination).
Setting up global settings. This page lets you choose to deploy hypervisor to a hard disk or Internal Dual SD
Assigning identification to the deployed servers.
Matching a desired connection profile to each server.
Scheduling the server deployment jobs to run.
Displaying the Job Queue where you can manage deployment jobs.