Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
### Starting the monitor
To start the monitor, run:
` port-monitor start [--email <email>,<email>...]`
options (* = required):
-h | --help
Displays the usage for this command.
Provides more output during command execution. This may not have any effect for
some commands.
-e | --email= <emails> [, <emails> ...]
Comma-separated email addresses to notify upon detecting a failure
--smtp= <smtp>
SMTP server address to use for notification emails
Poll only cluster-local directors
VPlexcli:/> port-monitor start -e
Starting port stat monitor...
### Stopping the monitor
To stop the monitor, run `port-monitor stop`.
### Checking status
To see whether or not the monitor is running, or to see if any unexpected errors were
encountered, run the `port-monitor status` command:
VPlexcli:/> port-monitor status
Status: running with the following parameters:
Emails: None
SMTP: x.x.x.x
Local-only: False
Threshold config: None
### Restarting the monitor
If you wish to restart a stopped monitor with the same parameters as before, run `port-
monitor restart`. If you wish to use different options, use the `start` command documented
## Configuring the driver-specific thresholds
The thresholds may be overridden by placing a JSON file at
/var/log/VPlex/cli/port-stats-monitor/config.json, with each key representing a stat to
monitor and the value representing the threshold at which to notify the user. Example
contents of the config.json:
"crc-errors": 40,
"link-failure": 15,
"loss-of-sync": 45,
"loss-of-signal": 45,
"invalid-transmission-word": 40,
"lr-remote": 5
From: VPLEX Port Stat Notifier []
Sent: Day, Month date, YYYY H:MM <AM/PM>
To: <recipient>
Subject: VPlex Port Stat Notification for x.x.x.x <Serial Number>
The port stat monitor detected a problem.