Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
it reads "Checking status" and only run that command for now. Steps c and d are to be followed for both clusters if a
c. Changing default thresholds in the config.json file (optional). If you find that the default values, or one of them, could
be increased for better results, you can modify the config.json file for new threshold values (using VI editor). Example:
vim /var/log/VPlex/cli/port-stats-monitor/config.json.
Sample Output:
"bad_CRC": 5,
"Disc_frame": 40,
"link_fail": 15,
"Loss_of_sync": 45,
"loss_of_sig": 45,
"reset": 5
d. After doing modifications to the config.json file, you must restart the port-monitor script.
VPlexcli:/> port-monitor restart
VPlexcli:/> port-monitor status
Status: running with the following parameters:
Emails: <<< this will only show e-mail addresses if configured
SMTP: x.x.x.x
Local-only: False
Threshold config: {u'lr-remote': 5, u'crc-errors': 50, u'invalid-transmission-
word': 500, u'link-failure': 10, u'loss-of-signal': 45, u'loss-of-sync': 60}
Port Stats Monitoring Usage Information
Usage: Taken from the 6.2.x script
Port Stats Monitoring
A prodscript for monitoring critical statistics for ports.
## What does this monitor do?
The monitor periodically logs VPLEX FC port statistics and can notify via email if
critical stats have increased past their threshold within a minute interval.
## Usage
After importing the prodscript with `script -i port_stats_monitor`, 5 commands are
port-monitor restart Restart all monitor threads.
port-monitor start Start periodically monitoring for port stat changes
port-monitor status Display the status of the port monitor thread
port-monitor stop Stop any in-progress port stat monitor threads.
port-monitor test-email Test the monitor's email notification.
### Starting the monitor
To start the monitor, run:
` port-monitor start [--email <email>,<email>...]`
options (* = required):
-h | --help
Displays the usage for this command.
Provides more output during command execution. This may not have any effect
for some commands.
-e | --email= <emails> [, <emails> ...]
Comma-separated email addresses to notify upon detecting a failure
--smtp= <smtp>
SMTP server address to use for notification emails
Poll only cluster-local directors
Performance and Monitoring