CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
* - argument is positional.
Pause an active migration to release bandwidth for host I/O during periods of peak traffic.
Specify the migration by name if that name is unique in the global namespace. Otherwise, specify a full pathname.
Use the dm migration resume command to resume a paused migration.
Pause a device migration:
VPlexcli:/data-migrations/device-migrations> dm migration pause --migrations migrate_012
See also
dm migration cancel
dm migration commit
dm migration remove
dm migration resume
dm migration start
dm migration remove
Removes the record of canceled or committed data migrations.
All contexts.
In /data-migrations context, command is migration remove.
In /data-migrations/extent-migrations context, command is remove.
In /data-migrations/device-migrations context, command is remove.
dm migration remove
[-m|--migrations] context-path,context-path...
Required arguments
[-m|--migrations] context-
* List of one or more migrations to remove. Entries must be separated by commas.
Forces the removal of the specified migration(s).
Commands 143