CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Use the dm migration resume command to resume a paused migration.
Resume a paused device migration:
VPlexcli:/data-migrations/device-migrations> dm migration resume --migrations migrate_012
See also
dm migration cancel
dm migration commit
dm migration pause
dm migration remove
dm migration start
dm migration start
Starts the specified migration.
All contexts.
In /data-migrations context, command is migration start.
in /data-migrations/extent-migrations context, command is start.
in /data-migrations/device-migrations context, command is start.
[-n|--name] migration-name...
[-f|--from] {source-extent|source-device}
[-t|--to] {target-extent|target-device}
[-s|--transfer-size] value
Required arguments
* Name of the new migration. Used to track the migrations progress, and to manage (cancel, commit,
pause, resume) the migration.
* The name of source extent or device for the migration. Specify the source device or extent by name
if that name is unique in the global namespace. Otherwise, specify a full pathname.
If the source is an extent, the target must also be an extent. If the source is a device, the target must
also be a device.
Commands 145