CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
------------------------ --------------------------------------------------
controller-tag -
initiators []
operational-status stopped
port-name-enabled-status [P000000003CA00147-A1-FC01,true,suspended,
ports [P000000003CA00147-A1-FC01, P000000003CB00147-B0-FC01]
Add a virtual volume to a view using the --force option from the root context:
VPlexcli:/> export storage-view addvirtualvolume --view /clusters/Saul1/exports/storage-
views/TestStorageView --virtual-volumes dr710_20_C1Win_0038_12_vol --force
Volume {1} is synchronous and on a non-local device. Applications using this volume
may experience per I/O inter-cluster latency. If the applications are sensitive to this
latency, they may experience data unavailability. Do you wish to proceed ? (Yes/No)
See also
export storage-view checkconfig
export storage-view create
export storage-view removevirtualvolume
virtual-volume create
virtual-volume re-initialize
export storage-view checkconfig
Checks the configuration of the views.
All contexts.
In /clusters/cluster/exports context, command is storage-view checkconfig.
In /clusters/cluster/exports/storage-views context, command is checkconfig.
export storage-view checkconfig
Performs the following checks:
Identifies any virtual volumes that are exported more than once.
Identifies views that contain only a single port.
Identifies views that are disabled.
To check all view configurations for all clusters from the CLI, type:
VPlexcli:/> export storage-view checkconfig
Checking cluster cluster-1:
No errors found for cluster cluster-1.