CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
[-c | --contexts] = pattern [,
pattern ...]
Pattern for matching contexts you want to find.
Optional arguments
[-h | --help]
Displays the usage for this command
Provides additional output during command execution. This may not have
any effect for some commands.
Use this command to find all contexts matching a pattern. When invoked interactively, the command prints the contexts to the
See Searching the context tree for more information about the find command and related examples.
front-end-performance-stats start
Starts the collection of the read and write statistics with the I/O size and the logical block addressing (LBA) information on the
metro node virtual volumes through periodic polling.
All contexts.
front-end-performance-stats start
Optional arguments
-h | --help Displays the usage for this command.
Provides more output during command execution. This might not have any effect for some commands.
Starts the collection of the read and write statistics with the I/O size and the logical block addressing (LBA) information on
the metro node virtual volumes through periodic polling. This command starts generating the performance data, which helps
resolve I/O performance issues with metro node. The statistics are available in the fe_perf_stats_<timestamp>.log file
at /var/log/VPlex/cli/.
Run this command on each cluster to collect the front-end performance statistics. After you run this command,
the system continues to collect the front-end performance statistics until you run the front-end-performance-stats
stop command.
See also
front-end-performance-stats stop
front-end-performance-stats status