CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
* List of one or more claimed extents to be added to the device. Can also be other local devices (to
create a device of devices).
Optional arguments
depth] depth
Required if --geometry is raid-0. Stripe depth must be:
Greater than zero
No greater than the number of blocks of the smallest element of the RAID 0 device being created
A multiple of the block size: 4 K bytes
A depth of 32 means 128 K (32 x 4 K) is written to the first disk then the next 128 K is written to the
next disk.
Concatenated RAID devices are not striped.
leg] context-path
When geometry argument is raid-1, picks one of the extents specified by the --extents argument
to be used as the source data image for the new device. The command copies data from the --
source-leg to the other legs of the new device.
Create a RAID 1 device even if no --source-leg is specified.
* - argument is positional.
A device is configured from one or more extents in a RAID 1, RAID 0, or concatenated RAID C configuration.
The block sizes of the supporting extents must be the same (4 K bytes) and determine the local-device block size.
When creating a device with RAID 1 geometry, this command prints a warning and asks for confirmation.
If the --source-leg argument is not specified, this command does not initialize or synchronize the
legs of a RAID 1 device. Because of this, a RAID 1 device created by this command does not guarantee that
consecutive reads of the same block return the same data if the block has never been written.
To create a RAID 1 device when one leg of the device contains data that must be preserved, use the --source-leg argument
or the device attach-mirror command to add a mirror to the leg.
By default, automatic device rebuilds are enabled on all devices. For configurations with limited bandwidth between clusters, it
may be useful to disable automatic rebuilds.
Use the set command to enable/disable automatic rebuilds on the distributed device. The rebuild setting is immediately applied
to the device.
Set rebuild-allowed to true to start or resume a rebuild if the mirror legs are out of sync.
Set rebuild-allowed set to false to stop any rebuild in progress.
When automatic rebuild is re-enabled on a device where it has been disabled, the rebuild starts again from the place where it
In the following example, the local-device create command creates a RAID-1 device from 2 extents; extent_lun_1_1
and extent_lun_2_1 in which:
extent_lun_2_1 is the same size or larger than extent_lun_1_1
extent_lun_1_1 is the source leg of the new device
extent_lun_2_1 is the mirror leg
VPlexcli:/> local-device create --geometry raid-1 --extents extent_lun_1_1,
extent_lun_2_1 --name dev_lun_1 --source-leg extent_lun_1_1
VPlexcli:/> ls -al /clusters/cluster-1/devices/
Name Operational Health Block Block Capacity Geometry Visibility
Transfer Virtual