CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
This command fails if the destination meta volume has a lower number of meta data slots than required to support the current
configuration. This is highly likely if the target meta-volume was manually created before Release 5.1 and has 32000 slots.
Confirm this by using the ll command in the system volume context. See the troubleshooting procedures for metro node in the
SolVe Desktop for information on fixing this problem.
See also
meta-volume create
meta-volume destroy
meta-volume verify-on-disk-consistency
Analyzes a meta-volume's committed (on-disk) header slots for consistency across all mirrors/components.
All contexts.
meta-volume verify-on-disk-consistency
[-l|--log] log-file
[-f|--first] first
[-n|--number] number
[-c|--cluster] cluster
[-m|--meta-volume] meta-volume
--style {short|long|slow}
Required arguments
[-c|--cluster] cluster The cluster at which to analyze the active meta-volume. This argument may be omitted if the
--meta-volume argument is present.
The meta-volume to analyze. This argument may be omitted if the --cluster argument is
[-l|--log] log file Full path to the log file on the management server.
[-f|--first] first Offset of first header to analyze.
[-n|--number] number Number of headers to analyze.
--style {short|long|slow} The style of analysis to do. Valid values:
short - Requires special firmware support available only in Release 5.0 and later.
long - Requires special firmware support available only in Release 5.0 and later.
slow - Available for all Release versions. Downloads the meta-volume headers from the meta-
volume legs one at a time and compares them.
CAUTION: The slow option may take hours to complete on a production meta-volume.
Commands 239