CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
------- ------- ------ -------
console true table console
ll console
Name Value
------- -------
enabled true
format table
sink-to console
type console
See also
monitor add-file-sink
monitor remove-sink
monitor create
monitor add-file-sink
Adds a file sink to the specified performance monitor.
All contexts.
In /monitoring context, command is add-file-sink.
monitor add-file-sink
[-n|--name] name
[-o|--format] {csv|table}
[-m|--monitor] monitor-name
[-f|--file] filename
-- force
Required arguments
[-m|--monitor] context-path * Performance monitor to which to add a console sink.
[-f|--file] filename * File to which to send the sinks data.
Optional arguments
Forces the creation of the sink, even if existing monitors are delayed in their polling.
[-n|--name] name Name for the new sink. If no name is provided, the default name file is applied.
[-o|--format] {csv|table}
The output format. Can be csv (comma-separated values)' or table.
Default: csv.
* -argument is positional.